Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

The Untold Biblical teaching of Trinity Doctrine

Trinity Doctrine as a Real Logic Biblical Concept.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Not Three Personality but Three Parts of Divinity Being, which consist of One True God The Almighty God, One Messiah The Mighty God, and many of Spirits Being that serve God.
All of those parts is united under One True God, The Almighty God, YHWH our LORD, The Father.

TAUHID (Deuteronomy 6:4)

Tawhid is one not oneness, but Trinity is oneness. 
One Almighty God The Father who sent Jesus!
Two Gods , consist of One Almighty God called YHWH, and one Mighty God called Yohushua.
Three part of Devine Being of Heaven that man Baptized in: The Father, The Son, The Holy Sipirit.
Tauhid or Monotheistic in Christianity and Jews are refering to Almighty One The Father.

Actually Christian is Jewish in a new form after the coming of Jesus Christ.
The One True God is the heritance of Jewish teaching that also taught by Jesus Christ.
It is the monotheistic teaching of Israelite that Christianity also has.  Tawhid is the terminology used in Arabic language.

Trinity History

Trinity is a concept that is issued by philosophers and those called as religios leaders to formulate the strong relationship among Father, Son, Holy Spirits.

The idea of this trinity concept is started in the forth century. The comprehension about this concept is vary among Christians and almost all of them are not biblical, but the terminology of 'triity' is still proper. Some Christians say the trinity concept is just like water form in any different temperatures (solid. liquid, gas). Some say it is just like a man as the president, also as a leader of a political party, and also as a son to his parents. Many of these comprehension among christian are not biblical nor logic. Meanwhile in John 17:3 we must know who is God and The Messiah since it is the matter of eternal life, but many comprehensions of Trinity will make us fail to recognize Father The God Almighty and Messiah The Mighty God.

True Biblical Concept of Trinity

The most biblical concept is three parts of Divine Being under One True God The Almighty God The Father. First part is The Father The Almighty God, second part is The Son The Mighty God as The Messiah, third part is Holy Spirit consist of lot of spirits that works on God's behalf.  The Authority level are not the same among those Divine Being, Almighty God is the source of all authorities then Mighty God The Messiah has many many powerful authorities from The Father that put Him also called as God (Mighty God--Isaiah 9:6 & Hebrew 1:8).

The using of Trinity Terminologi is not realy important. This terminolgy is just trying to simplify The Three parts of Divine Being (Consist of God, Messiah and lots of Spirits that serve) that is so solid in one direction of True God The Almighty God.

Jesus God but not True God and not Almighty but Mighty God

What is the meaning of those words? Of course no one say it is easy to understad. But it is the truth.
Jesus said in John 17:3 that we must know The One True God and The True Messiah coz that is Eternal Life. Jesus may not True God but Jesus is still God (Mighty God). The confirmation of Jesus as God is stated in Isaiah 9:6 & Hebrew 1:8 by The One True God The Father Himself. Jesus has never intend to take position of The Most High God as his opponen Lucifer did. So if any doctrine says Jesus Christ is Almighty God or says Jesus Christ is no God, then it is the false biblical teaching.

Humble God that loyal to GOD

Contrast to Jesus Christ is Lucifer the ex great angel that fallen coz of pride.  Coz of loyalti and humbleness Jesus Christ worth to be lifted up as or remain as God that rules The Kingdom of Heaven and the earth. God Jesus never claimed He was God, but LORD God Almighty did (Isaiah 9:6 Hebrew 1:8). Contrarily, Lucifer claim as God even want to be The Most High God.

One of the most important authority of God  that Jesus has is to forgive and erase sin of man. The Jewish elders in their quarrel with Jesus once said that only God has the authority to forgive and erase sin of man. This statement of Jewish elders is to response of what Jesus did when forgive and erase a sin of a beliver in front of the Jewish elder (Mark 2).

Holy Spirit

If anyone say that Holy Spirit as the active power (like electricity power) of God, then we can tell that it is a humiliation against God and humanity itself. How can a man being babtized in the 'something' that other than a Divine Personality/Being. Holy Spirit, as written  in Hebrew 1:14 says: Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? This verse states that Holy Spirit is Personality Being and Holy Spirit must be Divine Spirits.

Trinity's Work

Holy Spirit guides mankind in order to be strong in Jesus Christ as Savior and The only way to Almighty God The Father.

Jesus Christ has the very strategic roles in trinity bound. Jesus' Work of Salvation give a chance of posibility to make The Holy Spirit works optimum and efficient in guidance man to bring mankind to follow the true way. In other way, Almight God has no posibility to come down to earth to take the human form and Save mankind, because of He is The Almighty God. But whatever strategic Jesus' role about this, Jesus just do it for the glory of God Almighty The Father, and that is the most important to Jesus Christ The Son.

Responding to Any Doctrine Related to Christianity

Any doctrin must be tested or verified. Holy Bible is the supreme authority to verified any doctrine. If any doctrine is not biblical then the comprehension of bible become imposible. As we learned, many Christians convert to be nonbeliever after exposing deeply into non biblical doctrine.

Not GOD/Almighty God but Jesus The Mighty God was on The Cross cos of Mankind Sins

If you apreciate your logic as God apreciates it then you must reject everything called unlogic, including doctrine. Trinity doctrine (mainstream) is not logic nor biblical. Maybe  for almost all preacher it must be hard to leave Trinity Doctrine because of the sistem and the culture the majority church has. It must be a special benefit not to be a bachelor of Christian Theologi or a pastor, coz we can have a freedom to decide whether a doctine biblical or not.

So now with the explanation above we have a bravery and faith that Almighty God (One True God) has never died nor crussified! Infact, Jesus The Son of GOD was destined to die on the cross as propheciesed long-long time ago by the prophet.

Changing religion or convert to even worse as Godles man coz of Trinity Doctrine

Trinity doctrine (that stated Jesus is Also The Father) is there only to be a bad issue in christianity that can be used by Islam and Jewish to attack Christianity's Monotheistic or Tawhid issue. And if this doctrine is still there then the logic way out is changing religion or become godless. But thanks God as an Abrahamic faith, Christianity is still Monotheistic. The Trinity (mainstream) doctrine is only a doctrine, tha is not supported by the Bible.

An experience of a logic lover that happen to be a Christian has an intention to leave christianity just because of an unlogic Trinity doctrine, but in the other hand the personality of Jesus Christ is too beautiful to let go and the statement of the Bible that commands us to love one another as to love ownselve, confirm the christianity's divinity teaching.  As time goes by, revealation come and the mistery of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit finally revealed. This experience tells us that in time God will open the Heaven mistery to whoever long to know and learn it patienly and wisely.

One of The abondened verse cos of Trinity doctrine

John 17:3 Now this is eternal life: that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.

The point of Antichrist works in creating doctrine/religion

If we learn more deeply into all religion or sect or doctrine that resemble or contra to biblica teaching, we will experience that all of those fake teachings are just to put error in trying to know real Messiah and finally One True GOD, coz a failure to acknowledge Messiah and GOD bring failure to get Salvation or Eternal Life -- john 17:3.

Get out of Trinity doctrine (mainstream) now! Use the term 'Trinity' but in bibilical comprehension.Use your logic cos God Apreciate that, As written in Bible, 'love your God(Almighty & Mighty God) with all of your heart, your strength and your thought'.

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