Sabtu, 14 April 2018

Strange things of Abrahamics

Strange things of Abrahamics and the unbiblical trinity doctrine of christianity from Nicea  and the unbiblical refusal of Jesus as Messiah by the Jewish.

Jews, Christianity and Islam are religions/faith based on Abrahamic faith. Jews and Christianity basicly are just the same faith, that believe GOD/God Almighty/True God is One and Savior of Mankind or Messiah is The Son of GOD that also one. Yes, Islam also admit the existence of Mesiah/Christ/Almasih, but this titel is in fact has no meaning at all, in other words Messiah is just a human being, just a prophet, and even prophet Muhammad is more gracious than 'messiah'. This is the very basic differetiation of Islam and Christianity/Jews.  The same thing these Abrahamics have is the confession that there is only One True God/Amighty God/The Most High(Trinity doctrine is not concidered coz it is not biblical), even though the character of God they worship is in fact has many differentiation as we learn according to the commands God has given to these Abrahamic faith through their own Holy Book (between Quran and Bible).

A Choosen Nation, All Prophet must be Israelites even Messiah

Logically, Islam as Abrahamic seems not born normally, there is awkwardness and the broken links from the earlier prophets (israelites) to the prophet Mohammad.  Mohammad and earlier prophets live in different culture. Earlier prophets with Israelites identity lived in a culture that was guided directly by GOD through the prophets, judges, and kings chosen by GOD, thas is why Israelites is the Chosen Nation (Choose to give birth to a Messiah)

GOD has no intention to pick up a Nation/People just to give birth to a last prohpet, but a Messiah The Only Son of GOD since Messiah is The Savior of Mankind.

Mohammad and Abrahamic Relation

Mohammad merely has benefit because probably still the offspring of Abraham through Ismail. But as we learn from the Bibel, Ismail is not the chosen son to give birth for all prophets and Messiah.

Those who proper to present LORD/ALLAH/GOD/Almighty God

Identity of ALLAH or The Almighty One can only be revealed or known by those whose cultur or way of  life has been guarded by The LORD Himself as we can learn from the Torah that documented how GOD introduced His identity to earlier prophet especially to Moses. Torah as we know documenting how Moses asked The LORD to give himself directions in order to confince Israelites that GOD has chosen him to be a leader and The LORD gave him His Name and some kind of key word (words of confirmation sign from GOD to ensure the Isarelites that God has already spoken to someone) to Moses and by that Moses can convince Israelites that GOD has chosen Moses.

The Significance of Messiah 

For true Abrahamic, Messiah or Christ or Almasih or Savior, The Holy One from God, is really important. A proof for that is the earlier prophets since thousands years ago before Jesus The Messiah came, had prophesied His coming and His purpose to mankind, even when He has already come there is still a prophet to prophesied Him, and that prohpet is the last prophet John the Baptist.

The important blessing from GOD (Almighty God) to Abraham and surely to mankind is the born of The Messiah from His liniage that chosen by GOD (through his son Ishak and then to his grandson Jacob/Israel).

Messiah/Almasih Isa (Islamic Jesus) that has no the same privileges as Christian/Jews Messiah/Almasih does

A big Question emerge when moslem admit as Abrahamic which worship GOD (Almighty God that worshipped by Abraham), but give no significant meaning to Messiah or Almasih, otherwise just put an effort to make Mohammad higher, as if Mohammad  worth to be even equal to Jesus Christ and last prophet as the main prophet. Besides, God's most important promise to Abraham is the born of Messiah, a real Messiah with an amazing authority for spirit of mankind as the bible tells us.

Christian as Followers of Jesus from Nazareth

Jewish is awaiting their Messiah because for them Jesus from Nazareth is not Messiah. Christianity born from Jewish naturally where from the beginning some Jewish believer of Jesus from Nazareth as Messiah called as Jewish sect, but as time goes by follower of Jesus from Non-Jewish getting huge in number, then Christian has became a name to followers of Jesus Christ and then appearantly as if Christianity has been out of Jewish (actually not). 

Tauhid -- The One True God/ The Most High

Talking about Tauhid, Islam as 'Abrahamic' is so firm and clear not like Catholic and Protestan that is so unlogic complicated in their Tauhid (because of Trinity doctrine). But, indeed as Faith that born from Abrahamic, Christian as Jewish (real Jewish) still consistence with the teaching of Tauhid (The Bible proof it). Trinity doctrine that put error in Christianity Tauhid is not Biblical.

Old and New Testament (Bible) have never stated that LORD or God Almighty or The Most High or God of Abraham, Ishaac and Israel  are more than one, and also never stated The Messiah as The Most High. Jesus Christ as in verses of Bible has never stated as The Most High or as Almighty God our LORD, but explicitly tells us that His Father is The One and Only True God/The Most High. But it doesn't mean that Jesus is fake God, no, Jesus is God because GOD The Father tells us in Isaiah 9:6 and
Hebrew 1:8 and the autohoritis He(Jesus) has, has proven His Godness status and The Elders of Jews confirmed it by saying only God can forgive sin of mankind.

Trinity doctrine is intentionally inserted to churches to control christian logic in order to understand what is writen in Bible concerning The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The term 'intentionally' is so important to use since the inventor of Trinity doctrine are clever and well educated man and no posibility to misunderstood the words in John 17:3, that stated "to know The True God and Jesus Christ You sent is eternal life".

So what happend to Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Yes these three kind of deity being are one solid unity under GOD The Father The Most High. This is why the term Trinity is still proper, but the comprehension need to be straighten/align according to the Bible.

Jewish People  (as Jesus' National Identity') are The Eternal Waiter of Messiah 

Big question emerge, how can Jewish people still not admit that Jesus of Nazaret is The Messiah. Major clues about lifehood and events of  Jesus of Nazareth as written in Old Testament has fulfilled by Jesus of Nazareth's life. In these end times (with many fallen men that leave God ) with so sophisticated technologi especially Information Technolgy, they still just wait their Messiah that prophised by the earlier prophets while many other christian has fallen to god of this world /Lucifer, that lead us to end times where Messiah has to come again to punish unGodly man and to straighten the corrupted world. 

According to small research in internet, we can find that Israelites is avoid to recognize the figure of Jesus of Nazareth and also the story behind. More over they set Jesus of Nazareth is a taboo topic to talk about. 

If only Jewish People accept Jesus of Nazaret as Christ or Messiah, then the name of 'Christian' no longer need or maybe the name of 'Jewish' must be switch to Christian (Jesus followers), the point is Christian and Jewish are basicly the same. That is why Christian also called Isralites (spritually).

Lucifer The Satan and His Works

There is just one figure that eager to avoid mankind to achieve Salvation provided by GOD through His Only Son Jesus The Savior.  Who is he? He is Lucifer, the most powerful fallen angel that claim to be God The Most High and ask to be worshipped by mankind. He is god of this world that owned power and riches of this world. Lucifer is not alone in his works, demons (another fallen angels) and Luciferian (fake Christian, fake Jews, Illuminaty, freemason, satanist) are in a one team. This is why luciferian can create any fake religion or  false doctrine in christianity and can demonstrate supranatural events to convince mankind.

Apostating Mankind

Christian and Jews are the very targetted to be apostated because these Abrahamics have a right comprehension of Messiah as Savior. Although the opinion of who is The Messiah is not the same yet between them, but in the end Jesus of Nazreth will be recognized as The Messiah with His powerful authotirity.

The point of this Apostasy is to avoid people from serving The True God, and because the only way to True God is Messiah Jesus, than to corrupt recognizing Jesus Christ is the main works of Luciferian. So this is not about religion but this is all about Salvation The True God provided through Jesus Christ His Son.

Recognizing LORD GOD through Messiah Jesus will bring to true repentant and the living under GOD's will, The God, that is The Owner of All Power and Glory. The zeal of The Messiah Jesus The Mighty God is to bring mankind to GOD. This is the point of ministry of Jesus Christ The Savior


Know and serve your GOD and Messiah and live eternally, or chose Lucifer, forget the eternal life and live easier in this world! It is our choice in this world.

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